Member-only story
Did you earn your college degree or just pay for it?
You want me to write your college essay… are you kidding me?
The college admission scandal made us all question if those who got into university really deserved it but I used to think at least they wouldn’t be able to fake their way through courses with deep pockets. I guess I was wrong.
I’ve been hunting for freelance work for a while and those “Writers Wanted: $20 a page” work ads start to look pretty good when the bank account is running low. But I recently got on a call with a company that said they were interested in having me write various content for their clients. I had submitted an application, probably some writing samples, and then a while later received a text message asking if I was still interested.
I was given the rates, and then asked “Are you comfortable writing essays for students?” I said no.
During my own time in college, the idea that you could buy an essay was not new. However, I always assumed you bought it from some nerdy kid in your class not from online businesses and professional writers.
Now, it is worth noting, that these professional services and websites all have disclaimers. Here is one from
The papers we provide serve as examples of excellent academic writing and can be used to improve one’s writing skills. Customers who get help with writing papers are discouraged from passing them as their own.